Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along: Week 6

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Hello and thank you for stopping by. We hope you will find this blog site full of great tutorials and creative ideas for your upcoming projects.

Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on August 19th, 2023

Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along!

Week 6: Layout and Assemble Quilt Top

Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along

You made it!  Week 6 is here and you have been a rockstar with this sew-along.  Last week was a week to catch up and get things ready for the final sewing of this quilt. 

Ready to finish strong?  Me too!  Here we go.


This week is all about sewing rows and connecting rows together to finish our quilt top.  With that, let’s dive right in with some tips.

Tip 1:  Trim Trim Trim.  We have all the blocks sewn and now is the time to trim those up.  In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need to, but we are human and its always nice to just double check.  Even the smallest of trims can make a world of difference. 

When trimming, try and make sure that you have a 1/4” seam allowance above all the points as much as possible.  This will help to keep those points looking sharp.


Tip 2:  When placing the blocks, especially with the scrappy version, make sure that YOU are happy with the placement of the blocks.  There is no need to worry about my opinion, how it was color coordinated on my quilt, or anything else.  If you like certain colors closer together, again the color page should have been a good help for that, then put them there.  At the end of the day this is your quilt and I strongly encourage you to do what makes you happy.


Tip 3:  Again, you are going to start sewing on the side that is straight when connecting the half triangles blocks to the squares and not on the pointed side.  Remember that we are going to be sewing diagonal rows.

Now, here is the best secret, if you haven’t realized it yet.  The ONLY POINTS that should match up when sewing the blocks together are the ENDS!  That means you don’t have to worry about trying to line up a triangle to another, or creating extremely bulky sections in your quilt!  Pretty fun right?!


Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along

And that’s it!  You did it!  Now it is time to quilt and bind your version of Sunday Mornings.

I am so grateful that you have come on this journey with me and I want to thank Bear Creek Quilting Company for creating this amazing opportunity.  This truly has been an amazing experience. 

Next Sunday will be the anniversary of my grandpa’s passing and I could not think of a better way to celebrate his life than to completing this beautiful quilt on the 27th.


I would love to see your final quilts and quilt tops.  Make sure to use the hashtag #scsundaymornings on Instagram or Facebook so everyone can see your amazing work. 

If you are still looking for some inspiration, that hashtag is a great source as well.  I hope to be able sew with y’all again soon.


PS.  Don't forget about the Give-Away on last week's post.  There is still time to enter!

Sunday Morning Sew-Along
All weekly posts will appear on our blog.  This is not a Zoom Class or a specific time to check in.  Sew at your own pace as you follow along with the Sew-Along schedule.
Questions??  Email us at