Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along: Week 4

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Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on August 5th, 2023

Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along!

Week 4: Assemble Half Triangles and Corners

(Looking for related posts?  Check the Sunday Mornings Sew-Along category HERE.)
Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Can you believe the Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along is halfway done already?!  What?!  Time is flying by.  Can you see things starting to come together?  By now you should have, or are close to having, the center of your quilt done.  The colors are starting to form a beautiful art piece that you made. 

Now it is time for the Borders.  This week you are going to do the Half Triangles and Corners.  Let’s go!

By now, you are a pro at the triangles so this will be old hat.  You are going to start off with Step One from Block 1 again.  If you made all the hourglass squares on Week 1, you are ahead of the curve. 

If you have a scrappy version, the triangles are suggested to have two of the same hourglass squares, but this is your quilt and your decision.


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 1:  What is probably the number one tip of the whole Sew-Along?  You guessed it!  Trim trim trim.  Use the same technique as Week 2 and make sure the points come together in the corners before trimming.  Then go ahead and do the layout for the Half Square Triangle (HST).


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 2:  Layout of the block as written in the instructions and sew accordingly.  The seams allowances may seem a bit big but trust the process.  Use the diagram above when lining the triangles up with the squares.  Continue to assemble the rest of the block.


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 3:  It’s time to trim again.  Trim trim trim.  Line your Half Square Triangle (HST) up so the 90-degree corner is at 12 ½” on your cutting mat. 

Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 4:  Trim the points so the length and height of the triangle is 12 ½”. 


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 5:  Next take a ruler and line it up so there is a ¼” past the seam intersections on the diagonal side, as shown in the picture above.  Trim away the excess material. 


The corner block is going to be very similar, and I want to challenge you to do it without any tips and tricks to see if you can navigate it.  Up for the challenge?  You got this!  If you need help, I am always here to help and will be checking the Sunday Mornings Sew-Along private Facebook group throughout the week. 

Only 12 Half Square Triangles (HST) and 4 Corners.  Same count as last week but half the blocks. 

From here on out it is smooth sailing.  If this week is busy, do the best you can and know that you have a minute to breathe.  Life happens and that is ok.  Do the best you can and don’t worry because next week will be used mostly for catching up.  Remember to have fun during the journey.  I believe in you.  You’re doing great!  I have loved seeing all the progress pictures.  Keep using the hashtag #scsundaymornings on Instagram or Facebook.

Sunday Morning Sew-Along
All weekly posts will appear on our blog.  This is not a Zoom Class or a specific time to check in.  Sew at your own pace as you follow along with the Sew-Along schedule.
Questions??  Email us at