Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along: Week 3

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Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on July 30th, 2023

Sunday Mornings Quilt Pattern Sew-Along!

Week 3: Assemble Block Two

(Looking for related posts?  Check the Sunday Mornings Sew-Along category HERE.)
Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Hello everyone!  How did last week go?  Are you ready for Block 2?!  This block lends itself to so many color combinations and that’s why it may be my favorite block.  So, let’s get to the tips and tricks for this block.

This week will begin on Sunday Mornings quilt pattern page 5, working on pieces I-M.  There may be more blocks in quantity, but this block features a new technique.  Flying geese!  Let’s start with a warmup first.  Here are some tips and tricks:


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 1:  Half Square Triangles.  I love half square triangles, but I love trimming them even more.  Ha ha ha.  When sewing HST, abbreviated, slow your speed down at the beginning and take your time.  If you have an extra piece of fabric, fold it in half and use it to sew ahead of the HST.  (This extra piece of fabric is called a "leader".  An extra piece of fabric sewn in after your project piece is called an "ender".)


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 2:  Pressing!  When pressing, press towards piece J on all units involving piece J.  This will allow the seams to nest nicely when you are sewing your units together.

Tip 3:  Trim trim trim.  After pressing the seams towards piece J, trim using the same method as block one.  This time there is only one seam line to line up on the 45-degree angle instead of two.  Videos will be posted in the Sunday Mornings Sew-Along private Facebook group for reference.

Sunday Mornings Sew-Along
Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Tip 4: Flying geese!  When lining up the ends of the flying geese, make sure that the edges are lined up as indicated in the picture above.  Repeat for the other side in the second picture.

Tip 5: When trimming the flying geese, make sure there is ¼” seam on the point when lining up to trim.  I used a Creative Grids Flying Geese Ruler to help with trimming and I will never go without it again.

Make sure you are checking what the unit sizes need to be along the way.  A video will be posted in the Sunday Mornings Sew-Along private Facebook group as well.

Sunday Mornings Sew-Along


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along


Sunday Mornings Sew-Along

Above are pictures to help show the sequence of steps needed to complete the block. 

This week there are 16 blocks.  That is just over 2 a day.  You got this.  If you are behind, that is ok.  Keep going.  If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask.  I’m happy to help in any way I can.  Post your progress and tag me on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #scsundaymornings

Sunday Morning Sew-Along
All weekly posts will appear on our blog.  This is not a Zoom Class or a specific time to check in.  Sew at your own pace as you follow along with the Sew-Along schedule.
Questions??  Email us at