September 2022 Bundle Give-Away

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Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on September 2nd, 2022

September 2022 Give-Away at Bear Creek Quilting Company!

Welcome to September!  We are sooo excited you are here!

Check out these beautiful new fabric arrivals from Moda:
Garden Gatherings by Moda
Garden Gatherings by Primitive Gatherings
My life is colored by quilts, and with Garden Gatherings,  I've brought the garden into my home.  Tiny Tulips, Carnations, Roses, Posies and Ground Cover in bold shades of Rose, Sunflower, Lavender and Lily, these shirting-style prints are perfectly suited for the small-scale piecing I love.  ~Lisa Bongean

Ghostly Greetings by Moda
 Ghostly Greetings by Deb Strain
Bats and skeletons. Owls and pumpkins. And lots of spiders. Ghostly Greetings  is a very vintage collection filled with my favorite Halloween motifs. What will you conjure up with this classically creepy collection?  ~Deb Strain

Poinsettia Plaza by Moda
Poinsettia Plaza by 3 Sisters
Poinsettia Plaza  recalls a village square at Christmas. Abundantly filled with the bright red blooms that have come to symbolize the season, these tropical flowers symbolize good cheer and success, and are believed to bring wishes of good fortune, mirth and celebration.

Blizzard Blues by Moda
Blizzard Blues by Moda
The poetry of earth is ceasing never: On a long winter evening, when the frost has wrought a silence.... ~John Keats

The beauty of winter is captured in the icy whites of a frozen landscape, the taupe shades of trees, and the crisp blues of a cloudless sky and midnight. Trees laden with snow, snowflakes, forest animals, and a cottage in the woods set the peaceful mood of this collection.

Holly Berry Tree Farm by Moda
Holly Berry Tree Farm by Deb Strain
A holiday tradition for many families is to visit a Christmas tree farm to cut their own tree! My new Christmas collection is filled with the scenes you would enjoy on a visit to Holly Berry Tree Farm.  Rich reds, piney greens and charcoal black make this the perfect fabric group for your next seasonal project.  ~Deb Strain

Iris and Ivy by Moda
Iris and Ivy by Jan Patek
Iris and Ivy is about "home". My mother's garden had lavender irises she's received from my grandmother, Laird, irises that now bloom every spring in my garden. With ivy covering the front of our little brick house, Iris and Ivy means home. ~ Jan Patek

Winter Flurries by Moda
Winter Flurries by Holly Taylor
As winter begins to set in, and the air is brisk and cold, our world takes on a frosty look in shades of blue and gray. Even the light changes as the sky has a different cast from previous seasons. As the filtered sun hits the tips of branches, it turns the frost into a sparkling blue, and when the snow begins to swirl, the only other visible colors are the evergreens, and the red berries left on the bare branches of bushes. Thus, the inspiration for Winter Flurries.

Are you enjoying the monthly Give-Aways?  For us to continue to offer our monthly Give-Aways, we are asking for your help: 
  • Please refer a friend.
  • Please tell your sewing/quilting group or guild about us.
  • Give us a mention on a social media page next time someone is asking for online store recommendations.

We would truly appreciate it!  Marketing is expensive and we would like to continue to offer fun give-aways.  Thank you!

Emma by Moda
Another "Win It Before You Can Buy It" bundle!
The Emma  fabric collection by Moda is expected to arrive in late September/early October.

September Blog Give-Away:
  • 1 - Emma Fat Quarter Bundle by Moda (32 Pieces)
Emma by Moda
Bear Creek Quilting Company Give-Away
Give-Away Details:
No purchase necessary.  Valid for US entries only.  Only entries on the Gleam Give-Away tool are eligible.  Must be a current newsletter subscribers at the time of drawings.  Winners will be notified by email and announced in Saturday, October 8th, 2022 newsletter.  Winners are posted at the bottom of the corresponding blog give-away.

Gleam Give-Away tips and tricks:  There are many different ways to enter our monthly give-away. You do not have to complete all the entries, if you don't feel comfortable.  If you already a newsletter subscriber, you can skip this entry.  Reminder, we do these give-aways for fun.  Participating is voluntary.  We have no control how the Gleam Give-Away displays on your device.  If you are having difficulties, we suggest trying a different computer or different browser.  Thank you.

10/4/2022  Congratulations!!!  Winner Announced:

Carol Z. of Elmira, NY
Bear Creek Quilting Company

and the BCQC Team