Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

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Hello and thank you for stopping by. We hope you will find this blog site full of great tutorials and creative ideas for your upcoming projects.

Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on July 19th, 2019

You just spent all of your efforts choosing fabrics, choosing a pattern or making your own pattern, cutting, squaring up the pieces, sewing, (possibly ripping and resewing), basting, quilting, and binding.

FINALLY! All of your hard work has paid off.  The quilt is done.  It is ready for it's new home or a new spot in your home.

Now…where do you put it?

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Many quilts have a quilt rack that they have used over the years.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

We found a DIY to make your very own Quilt Rack!

Stephen Johnson of has a tutorial with step-by-step instructions:

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

If you do not have any room on the floor, there are quilt racks specifically made for the walls.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Others like displaying them on their furniture or using them for bedspreads.  Whether it is your own bedroom, a guest room, or another bed in the household, a beautiful quilt makes any space homier.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

If you have a bedspread that you love or a quilt is already displaying on your bed, there is always the couch.  The living room or sitting room is a great place to display quilts that can be used all the time!  There are so many different ways to display a quilt on the couch.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

There are many ways you can display your new pretty creations.  But here are a few options to get your creative juices flowing, that you might not have thought of.

Baskets are a great way to keep all of your quilts together and get a pretty little basket in the deal!  There are tons of options at various stores or thrift shops.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

A pretty table topper quilt is eye appealing and useful.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Some cabinets can be repurposed as a storage for your pretty quilts and house some of your other projects or knick-knacks on top.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Other cabinets are more table-like and can be used as end tables, coffee tables, or a TV stand.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Chairs and benches are a great display surface whether it is draped or folded neatly.  This helps you display your projects without adding more furniture to your household.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

A pretty coat rack on the wall can be filled with your lovely quilts in the entry way of your home.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts
Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Many people like to refurbish furniture for new uses.  Here are a couple of ways to use items and give them new life.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Sometimes, the best way to display a quilt is the simplest.  There are many ways to fasten together a display with some hooks and a bar.  Some ways to display a quilt makes it seem like they are floating off of the wall.

Ideas On How To Display Your Quilts

Whatever option you might choose, remember that these are works of art and should be displayed with pride!  We can’t wait to see what you come up with.


and the BCQC Team
Category: How To