Have You Seen My Dad - Day 13-15

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Posted by Shari on July 5th, 2018
Have You Seen My Dad?

If you are following along with us, on my Dad's journey to travel US Highway 20, from coast-to-coast, you can find the posts HERE.

Niagara Falls NY to Cherry Valley NY - Monday July 2

The weather called for breaking all records in Buffalo NY today, and since BOB (the Blue Oval Badged Ford Explorer) was not happy yesterday with the stop and go (with emphasis on ‘stop’) in the heat, BOB and I decided against the remaining places in Buffalo NY and hit the open road.
First stop was in Alexander NY to take photos of the only three story cobblestone building in North America.  It is still in use as a town hall.
Then to Le Roy NY to see the Jello Museum.  Jello was invented here.
Next, a side adventure north to Palmyra NY.  First site was the Erie Canal and Lock 29 for lifting barges.  I didn’t find the lock (I believe it has been removed) but I did find the original cobblestone lock house.  Then a drive by of The Sacred Grove, and Hill Cumorah.  Palmyra is the area where an angel revealed the golden plates to John Smith.
While leaving Palmyra, a major storm unleashed it’s fury with rain, hail, lightning, thunder, and wind. 90+ degrees and major rain. The humidity was 7 gazzillion (love that word) percent.  Large hailstones did bring the temperature down a bit, but not much.
I continued driving, but decided against getting out and getting drenched for several attractions on my list: The bridge from ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’, Harriet Tubbman’s house, and the Drain Tile Museum (yes, a museum of drain tile) to name a few.
I spent the night in Cherry Valley NY inside BOB listening to thunder and rain (it lasted all night).

Have You Seen My Dad
Have You Seen My Dad
Have You Seen My Dad
Cherry Valley NY to Boston MA  Tuesday July 3

    Yes, BOB (Boston Or Bust) and I made it.  Tomorrow begins the ‘coming home’ half.
I started the day with a 30 mile side adventure north to the Adirondacks.  Since the Erie Canal lock was missing in Palmyra NY, I decided to see the one in Canajoharie NY. I got some great photos of sunrise in the mountains and of the Stone Arabia Church which has significant Revolutionary War history.  I did find the Canal in Canajoharie, but it was too foggy to see the lock.
Once back on Hwy 20, I crossed the Appalachian Trail and stopped in Chester MA to see the Chester Railway Museum, and to take another hike in the woods to see a double arch keystone RR bridge.
In Springfield MA I toured the Springfield Armory Museum.  A must see for any serious gun collector.
After that it was on to Boston.  I actually drove into downtown Boston (something I will never do again) and got a photo of the ‘END’ sign for Hwy 20.
Tonight a hotel room and a dip in the pool.


Have You Seen My Dad
Have You Seen My Dad

July 4 Boston to Boston

                Yes, that’s right, another night in Boston.

                I drove south to Plymouth to see The Rock (as if they REALLY know that was the actual rock) and the Mayflower (a replica, of course), and ended up not seeing either because the road was blocked with a parade (which I enjoyed instead).

                Then, off to see Cape Cod.  I drove all the way out to Provincetown at the tip.  On the way back I stopped and had my first ever lobster roll.  Personally, I think Oregon’s own Dungeness Crab has it beat.  Also on the way back I drove up the western side of the peninsula past Hyannis Port where Caroline Kennedy used to play on the beach topless - she was three or four at the time.

                Before leaving the peninsula, I drove out to Woods Hole to watch the ferry  heading to Martha’s Vineyard.

                I returned to Boston to stay in the same hotel.

Have You Seen My Dad
Have You Seen My Dad


  • 1. Posted by Lynda Hermann on July 6th, 2018 at 9:37 a.m.
    would love to road trip with your dad! My father and late husband thought that all road trips meant driving from point A to B w/o a stop, even if it took 16 hours! The unusual sights and stops are so fun. Only problem would be that I have outgrown my adventure camping days - must stay in motel/hotels for creature comforts.