Have You Seen My Dad - Day 4

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Posted by Shari on June 26th, 2018
Have You Seen My Dad?

If you are following along with us, on my Dad's journey to travel US Highway 20, from coast-to-coast, you can find the posts HERE.

Dad had some technical issues with his emails going thru, in addition to a no-service area, so we are little jumbled on his days and photos.  But....his journey goes on!


Message from my email said this didn't send.  Won't reload photos.  If you already received this installment . . . sorry.

June 22 End of the day.  Camped about 30 miles from West Yellowstone ID.

    Today I spent some time at Craters of the Moon National Monument.  Awesome place.  I hiked to the top of the cinder cone to take photos.  Typical tourist.
 Then on to Arco ID.  Friendly little town halfway between somewhere and somewhere else.  I stopped at the Senior Center to see if I could use wi-fi, but, even though they had internet, they  (and I) couldn’t get it to work.  I was told to go to the town library, but to come back for lunch because they wanted me to talk to the lunch crowd.  The two library employees were super helpful, and wanted to hear all about my adventure too.  I am guessing I was the most exciting thing to happen in Arco this week.  Wonder if I will make the newsletter.
Next, I visited the Experimental Breeder Reactor at the Atomic Energy site.  Intriguing. Especially about the plans and experiments to build a nuclear powered airplane. Having worked for a time at OSU’s Radiation Center, it is hard to imagine how this technology came about without modern computers.
Mad scientists with slide rules and chalkboards.
The road from Arco to Idaho Falls can be summed up in one word: long and boring.  OK, maybe three words if you count ‘and’.
After Idaho Falls I visited the Farnsworth TV museum in Rigby ID.  Rigby claims TV was invented there because Farnsworth invented the vacuum radio tube.
In Rexburg, I wanted to see the Teton Flood Museum, but it was closed.  Also, the Legacy Flight Museum in Rexburg was closed.  Bummer.
I took a detour to see upper and lower Mesa Falls, but thunder, rain, and popcorn sized hail kept me from hiking down the canyon.  I did brave the elements to get some pictures fron the upper observation deck, however.
Tomorrow, I enter Yellowstone Park.
I am camped in the wilderness tonight, so this won’t be posted until civilization.

Wyoming is awesome, But first let me say a word about Montana:  Montana.  All 12 miles.
    Yellowstone is beautiful. Even the burn areas.  Lots of tourists, cars, motor homes, tour buses. It also STINKS.  Someday it is going to erupt and take a big chunk of Wyoming with it.
    Cody is a tourist trap.  The Sisters Oregon of Wyoming. Yes, they have a statue of Liver Eating Johnson, but don’t go there for that.  Instead go see the Buffalo Bill Dam about 6 miles west of Cody.  Not interesting from the road, but incredible views from the dam.
    Greybull has the Museum of Aerial Firefighting - acres of big planes all outdoors.  Bombers, Commercials, and cargo planes all of which were converted to dropping retardant. It was closed, but I took photos through the fence.
    I spent the night at Hotsprings State Park in Thermopolis. Hard to describe in words.

Have You Seen My Dad - Day 4
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 4
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 4
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 4