Have You Seen My Dad - Day 2 & 3

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Posted by Shari on June 23rd, 2018
Have You Seen My Dad?

If you are following along with us, on my Dad's journey to travel US Highway 20, from coast-to-coast, you can find the posts HERE.

I am beginning to believe part of the reason for my Dad's journey is to teach, or re-teach me, about US geography.  Oh, Dad, you are a clever one!!

June 21 end of the day. Over 400 miles today in spite of rebuilding my inside bed platform in the Caldwell ID Walmart parking lot.  Will test it out tonight as the wind is too strong to put the tent on the roof.  I WILL sleep up there sometime during this trip. I insist.

Drove from the Observatory on Pine Mountain the rest of the way across Oregon (it is a big state), to Boise ID. Then down the freeway (it is also US 20) to Mountain Home ID where I exited and headed east.  I am at a rest stop / camping area about 140 miles west of Idaho Falls. Since there is no internet service (and very little phone service), I will post this when I reach civilization. A big thank you to the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce who were thrilled to hear my story and let me use their computer system to upload the first email.

Tomorrow the 22nd, I will see the Craters of the Moon National Monument in the morning.

Have You Seen My Dad - Day 2
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 2
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 2
Have You Seen My Dad - Day 2
June 22 morning. Another big thanks to the library in Arco ID for their wi-fi which I am using to send this.

Hwy US-20 varies from 3 lane (each way) interstate (I-84) to broken, narrow 2 lane blacktop with no shoulders (east of Mountain Home ID).

Today I stopped at Craters of the Moon Nat. Monument.  Incredible views, but no cell or wi-fi service.  Yes, I climbed to the top of the cinder cone and took pictures.  After lunch (free at the Arco Senior Center) I will stop at the Experimental Breeder Reactor #1 historical site before heading into Idaho Falls.

Arco DOES have a Senior Center, and they DO have wi-fi, but neither they nor I were technologically savvy to get it to work.  So, they sent me to the library and then invited me back for lunch. One of the perks of being old.

Have You Seen My Dad - Day 3


  • 1. Posted by Florence Kauma on June 23rd, 2018 at 10:51 a.m.
    Amazing journey. Good for your dad to take the journey. God's speed!