Airmail Envelope Quilt - Part 4

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Hello and thank you for stopping by. We hope you will find this blog site full of great tutorials and creative ideas for your upcoming projects.

Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on May 3rd, 2015

Airmail Envelope Quilt - Part 4:  Quilting and Finishing
Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
It's time to finish the Airmail Envelope Quilt!

You can find Part 1, 2 and 3 here.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Airmail from Moda!  I really love this bright and happy fat quarter bundle. 

Opening a new fat quarter bundle is like unwrapping a lovely gift, one that goes on giving while I enjoy making and then giving the quilt.

This one is for an adorable baby boy!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
To finish this quilt you will need:

Backing Fabric:
  • 3 1/2 yards Airmail Happy Mail Cloud
I cut the backing fabric in half and pieced with one horizontal seam, which I pressed flat to make the backing as sooth as possible.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Binding Fabric:
  • 1/2 yard Kona Cotton Solid Cardinal
I cut SEVEN - 2 1/2 inch strips for the binding and pieced in a continuous strip.

  • 52 inches by 60 inches of your choice
I used White and Warm by The Warm Company.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I used these color coordinated Aurifil threads sent to me by Bear Creek Quilting Company for the quilting:
  • Blue #2730

  • Red #2250

  • White #2024

I also used Gray #2605, which I had in my stash and forgot in the photo.  Oops!

The weight is Mako 50, which I normally only use for piecing, but they worked perfectly for quilting.

I had to loosen my tension slightly on my Janome 6600p.

I doubled the thread for hand binding to give it a little extra strength.

I love working with Aurifil cotton threads!

For the quilting, I did a straight line with my walking foot and I just "followed the arrows."

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Using the white thread, I stitched in the ditch (SITD) along each of the seamlines between each row, on the diagonal, running in the same direction of the arrows.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Then I stitched around the center of the quilt and the outer border.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Then I ran one line of stitches 1/8 inch inside the outside edge of the top. 

This is my usual method for securing the quilt sandwich. 

I do not use pins. 

I smooth the front of the quilt over the batting, turn it over and smooth on the backing.  I do this several time until the sandwich is smooth and wrinkle free and then I lightly press with a warm iron.

I do check the back from time to time to be sure that I have not gotten a wrinkle throughout the quilting process, but this works well for me.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Next, I switched to the red in the top thread, keep the white in the bobbin.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I stitched a grid on the red lines, between the postage stamp motifs, in the outer border.  I really liked the way the red thread sank into the fabric and outlined the stamps.

 Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
For the center of the quilt, I stitched around each envelope and around the square, matching the thread to the fabric colors; red for red, blue for blue and gray for gray.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Then I put the white back in the top thread and stitched lines 1/2 inch apart, along the arrows and the setting triangles on the envelope blocks.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
This made the envelopes stand out nicely!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Here is a close up of the quilting on the back.

The white thread sinks right into the white background.

I love this effect!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Ready for binding!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
This is my favorite method:

I press one edge in 1/4 inch, then press in half and stitch the open end to the edge of my top.

I trim the batting to 1 inch from this thread line.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I leave ten inches open on either end of the binding.

I open the binding and finger press the diagonal to close the binding.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I stitch on the crease.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I trim and press the seam open and then finish stitching the binding to the top.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Then I fold over the edge and hand stitch the binding to the back.

That give the effect of a double fold binding without the bulk of the seam on the front.

I love hand stitching the back.

Making the last stitch, snipping that tread and turning over my new quilt is my very favorite part of the quilting process.

The joy of seeing my beautiful new finished quilt never gets old!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
Here is the closeup of the corner of the finished quilt.

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

Thank you to Bear Creek Quilting Company for this wonderful opportunity to share my love of fabric and quilting with you and for my beautiful new quilt!

If you sew this quilt, we would love to hear from you.  You can send your pictures to share to

If you have any questions, please email me at and I will do my best to help.

***The PDF instructions for Airmail Envelope Quilt are now available.  You can download it here.***

Happy Quilting!

Pat at Life in the Scrapatch
Thank you to everyone that followed along with Pat's wonderful Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial.  Our talented group of contributors spend time and effort to design new projects to bring to you.  Your encouraging comments are greatly appreciated.

Ok, now on to the Give-Away Winner!  We had 152 comment entries for the Airmail Fat Quarter Bundle...
Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial Give-Away
...and Mr. Random Number Generator selected number 15!

Airmail Envelope Quilt Tutorial Give-Away
Congratulations to Janice Lashley!

"Airmail Envelope Quilt" Tutorial was designed and created for Bear Creek Quilting Company by Pat from Life in the Scrapatch.
Fabric used in this tutorial is from Airmail  by Eric & Julie Comstock for Moda.
Do you love free fabric?  Do you love to teach?  Want to be a contributor on our blog?  Send us an email at to get started!
Category: Tutorials


  • 1. Posted by Calicojoan on May 4th, 2015 at 5:58 a.m.
    Congrats to Janice! Lucky girl! I have visions of a fun childs quilt with some Eye-Spy fabrics in the mail! ;-)
  • 2. Posted by Pat on May 3rd, 2015 at 2:05 p.m.
    Congratulations, Janice! Thank you, Shari, for all your help and all the the work you have done to share this tutorial with your readers. Thanks for adding the pdf! I have really enjoyed this opportunity to share this quilt with other quilters. I have some alternative layouts and colorways on my blog today, including fabric requirements for those who would like to make a less scrappy quilt. Happy sewing! ... :) Pat @ Life in the Scrapatch