Summertime Pouches

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Hello and thank you for stopping by. We hope you will find this blog site full of great tutorials and creative ideas for your upcoming projects.

Bear Creek Quilting Company

2023 Maywood Studio Maker
I am a 2023 Maywood Studio Maker!
Posted by Shari on August 1st, 2014
Summertime Pouches
Hello again!  It's Amy here and I'm guest posting from Amy Made That! eamylove, offering up some fun ideas for making summertime pouches.  Soon we'll be waving the flag in celebration of Labor Day, and these zippered pouches will look great with any red, white and blue outfit!
Summertime Pouches

When I whipped these up, I truly didn't use a pattern or any particular tutorial.  I honestly just used my imagination plus these pretty fabrics and threads...

Summertime Pouches

Shari from Bear Creek Quilting Company
used her imagination, too, when she pulled together those beautiful tonals, dots, and even a collage print, to go with the Midwinter Reds honeycomb pack.

Summertime Pouches


They were just so inspiring...the beachy collage print is from Coastal Breeze  by Paul Brento for Moda.
Summertime Pouches


{I just happened to have a little teabag holder that matches it perfectly!}
Since this collage print is directional, I split the main outer piece, then restitched it, so it would end up being right-sides-up on both the front and back.  I used Pellon 987F fusible fleece as my "batting" and the polka dot print for lining.  I chose some light blue Aurifil 50-wt thread, and I did a bit of quilting in a chevron design.
Summertime Pouches


Here's the back, which became the interior lining.  
{You can see how gorgeous the stitches are on both sides of the quilting, using these 50-wt threads from Aurifil.}
Summertime Pouches


I simply attached that red zipper to the top edges, stitched up the sides while the pouch was still inside out, then zigzagged the raw edges.  Oh, yes...I added that little tab with a D-ring, just for fun.
Summertime Pouches


Oh, so simple...and quick.  You can use this tutorial from Dog Under My Desk  for making quick and easy pouches very similar to mine.
Summertime Pouches


Next I decided to use some of the Midwinter Reds  honeycomb hexies to create another quick pouch.
I began with 7 hexies, stitched into a pleasing design.
Summertime Pouches


I trimmed the patchwork to about 9 1/2" x 11".
Summertime Pouches


After making my quilt sandwich with the patchwork, Pellon 987F fusible fleece and lining, I stitched in the ditch of the center hexagon, and 1/4" from the seams of all of the other hexies.
I love the design it created...this time stitched in cream Aurifil thread.
Summertime Pouches


I squared up the quilted fabric to about 9 1/2" x 9 1/2".  I finished off this bag in the same way as before,  but this time I centered the zipper on the front of the bag.
Summertime Pouches


Here's how it looks on the back!
Summertime Pouches


It looked "nice"...but I liked it even more when I'd added these covered buttons.
Summertime Pouches


{Red...white...and blue!}
Summertime Pouches


For my third pouch, I was inspired by Old Glory herself, and decided to create a Flag Pouch.
I started with 4 red and 4 cream fabric strips, cut 1 1/2" wide x 12" long.  I pieced them into 2 strip sets.  I cut one of the strip sets to 4 1/2" x 8" and added a 4 1/2" square of blue for the field.  All I had to do was stitch this strip to the other strip set, and a flag was born.
I fused some more Pellon 987F to the back of the patchwork, and then added some quilting using my red Aurafil 50-wt thread...brilliant!
{For this pouch, I did not include the lining fabric for the quilting'll see why later!}
I made a quilted backing piece, using this creamy Midwinter Reds  print.  It was about 9" x 12" before quilting.
{Don't let the name Midwinter Reds  fool you...this line looks great in summertime, too!}
Summertime Pouches

My cream zipper was a bit short, so I just added some red fabric tabs to the ends.
  This time I used a different technique for making my pouch, similar to this tutorial and many others you can find by searching the internet for zippered pouch tutorials.

After attaching the zipper, I stitched the lining pieces together, and the outer quilted pieces together.  This way there are no raw edges in the interior of the finished pouch.
Summertime Pouches


The finished bag was "nice", but I had one more honeycomb trick up my sleeve...a hexie flower, simply pressed into place, then finished off with a button.
Summertime Pouches


Here's a view of the navy blue lining...
Summertime Pouches


To make the hexie flower, just fold every other point of a hexagon to the center, pressing in place to form a triangle.  Then fold each point of the triangle to the center, pressing in place again.
I tacked the flower onto the finished bag, with a few stitches under each folded flap.  The button hides the points and adds a decorative touch, too!
Summertime Pouches


I hope you'll find some inspiring red, white and blue prints to make something this summer!

Summertime Pouches

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my tutorial!

Patriotic Summertime Pouches
were designed and created for us by Amy of Amy Made That! eamylove

Fabric used in this tutorial is from Coastal Breeze  by Paul Brent for Moda and Midwinter Reds  by Minick & Simpson for Moda and Indigo Nature  by Daphne for Wilmington Prints.


Do you love free fabric?  Do you love to teach?  Want to be a contributor on our blog?  Send us an email at to get started!

Category: Tutorials


  • 1. Posted by Lori on August 9th, 2014 at 10:33 p.m.
    Love all of the pouches...great use of the zippers in different ways for the style of the pouches...
  • 2. Posted by Vicki on August 9th, 2014 at 8:38 p.m.
    This is a fantastic post. I'm in love with all 3 of your pouches. Thanks for sharing.
  • 3. Posted by Susie on August 9th, 2014 at 7:33 a.m.
    These are gorgeous! So refreshing! My favorite is the flag pouch, with the hexi "star" centered in the blue! These fabrics are gorgeous that you put together. Love them all!!
  • 4. Posted by Amanda aka The Patchsmith on August 8th, 2014 at 11:31 p.m.
    Stunning. All three pouches are so elegant. What a lovely collection.