All Items 101 to 149 of 149 « 1 2 » Grid List Items Per Page (100) Change to 12 Change to 24 Change to 48 Change to 100 Pot of Gold Quilt Pattern SALE $5.00 Item # PTN-POG19 | Reg. $9.99 Prairie Daisy Chain Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-B0306 | Reg. $14.99 Prairie Mix Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTNB-0354 | Reg. $14.99 Prairie Picnic Quilt Pattern $12.99 Item # PTN-49696-34144 Puppy Kisses Quilt Pattern $11.99 Item # PTN-SPQ341 Rail Fence on Point Quilt Pattern - PDF DOWNLOAD $10.00 Item # PDF-PTN-RF-ON-POINT Range Road Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3159 | Reg. $14.99 Ring Around The Rosies Tote SALE $2.00 Item # CLPJAW076 | Reg. $3.99 Round and Round the Block Quilt Pattern - PDF DOWNLOAD $10.00 Item # PDF-PTN-RND-RND-BLK Runway Quilt Pattern $9.99 Item # PTN-ABC350 Rush Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3172 | Reg. $14.99 Safely Sailing Away Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3145 | Reg. $14.99 Sally Ann Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTNP-035 | Reg. $14.99 Same Sky Quilt Pattern $12.99 Item # PTN-MM018 Sashy Squares Quilt Pattern SALE $5.00 Item # PTN-QR1190 | Reg. $9.99 Scandinavian Lattice Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-MMM-PAT-0284 | Reg. $11.99 Snow Folk Fun Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3238 | Reg. $14.99 Snowflake Feathered Star Sampler Quilt Pattern $24.99 Item # PTN-SNWFLK-FTHRD-STAR Snowy Gathering Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-BTBQ364 | Reg. $11.99 South Beach Pineapple Treats SALE $2.00 Item # CLPJAW049 | Reg. $3.99 Southern Belle Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-SBQ132 | Reg. $14.99 Sparkle Quilt Pattern $9.99 Item # PTN-DH2402 Speck in the Eye Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTNB-0300 | Reg. $14.99 Split Nines Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTNP-043 | Reg. $14.99 Spooky Stars Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-NH2221 | Reg. $11.99 Spring Dance Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3161 | Reg. $14.99 Stargaze Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-117 | Reg. $11.99 Starlight Cabins Quilt Pattern $11.99 Item # PTN-BTBQ431 Stars on Parade Quilt Pattern $9.99 Item # PTN-DH2406 Starstruck Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTNB-0219 | Reg. $11.99 Strippy Stars Mini SALE $2.00 Item # CLPDHE006 | Reg. $3.99 Sugar Stars Quilt Pattern $11.99 Item # PTN-P018-SUGARSTARS Sun, Surf and Seaweed SALE $2.00 Item # CLPJAW026 | Reg. $3.99 Sunflowers Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3149 | Reg. $14.99 Sunshine Girl Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-155 | Reg. $11.99 Sweet Tea Quilt Pattern SALE $10.00 Item # PTN-TTQ-148 | Reg. $19.99 Tea Party Quilt Pattern SALE $5.00 Item # PTN-50042-35809 | Reg. $11.99 The Neighborhood Quilt Pattern $14.99 Item # PTN-3424 Tic Tac Who Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-5059 | Reg. $14.99 Triangle Parade Quilt Pattern SALE $6.00 Item # PTN-110 | Reg. $11.99 United Stars Quilt Pattern $11.99 Item # PTN-PT2151 Waterfall Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3034/MGD-340 | Reg. $14.99 Which Witch SALE $2.00 Item # CLPDHE048 | Reg. $3.99 Wildwood Fringes Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3085 | Reg. $14.99 Winter Morning Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3088 | Reg. $14.99 Woolly Whims Quilt Pattern $29.99 Item # PTN-162 Woven Stars Quilt Pattern $9.99 Item # PTN-DH2508 XOX Quilt Pattern $11.99 Item # PTN-793 Yaletown Quilt Pattern SALE $7.00 Item # PTN-3173 | Reg. $14.99 Items 101 to 149 of 149 « 1 2 » Grid List Items Per Page (100) Change to 12 Change to 24 Change to 48 Change to 100