Moda Starry Sky Lunar Moon Phases Mist

Price: SALE $5.96
0.5 item(s) available.
Item # 24163-11 | Reg. $11.99

Starry Sky by April Rosenthal for Moda

"One of our favorite pastimes is laying outside with cozy quilts and looking up at the vast Starry Sky.  There's something magnificent about feeling so small and observing the grandeur of the universe above us.  We look for the pictures of the constellations, find planets, and when were lucky, catch our breath after a shooting star splits the night sky.  Starry Sky  is my celebration of the beauty of these moments, and I cant wait to make our own starry quilts from these beautiful fabrics!  I hope you will be inspired by these colors and prints to enjoy your own bit of nighttime magic.  Happy stargazing!"  xoxo  ~April

  • 100% Cotton
  • 43"/44" wide
  • Manufactured by Moda
  • Price is per yard