Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Cake Mix Recipe 9 Foundation Paper

Price: $11.99
4 item(s) available.
Item # CAKE-CM9
Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Cake Mix Recipe Foundation Papers

Piecing made easy!  The newest release for foundation paper piecing by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. for Moda.  These work perfectly with 10 inch square pieces of fabric. 

One Cake Mix Recipe pad with 44 recipe cards will make 176 - 3" finished quarter triangle squares (QTSs) and 352 - 1 1/2" finished half triangle squares (HTSs).  (176 print squares - 1 1/2" finished and 176 background squares - 1 1/2" finished)

Each Recipe Card plus 2 - 10" squares of fabric yield 4 - 3" x 3" finished quarter triangle squares (QTSs) and 8 - 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" finished half triangle squares (HTSs).  (4 print squares and 4 background squares)
One assembled Cake Mix Recipe Cards create 1 - 9" x 9" finished block. 
Cake Mix Recipe 9 has four block options and three block setting options. 
Finished size block setting options; 42" x 54" no sashing - no borders, 49 1/2" x 63" with 1 1/2" sashing - no borders, and 72" x 72" no sashing - no borders.

*** Matching Charm Pack required with these recipe blocks.

  • 44 full size foundation paper recipe block papers
  • 10 inches by 10 inches
  • Designed and produced by Miss Rosie's Quilt Company
  • Copyright 2018