Just Two Charm Pack Quilts

Price: $24.95
8 item(s) available.
Item # CTP11546
1/2/2023:  By popular request, our private FB Group has asked to another quilt from the book.  "Betty" won the majority vote.  Details can be found on our Blog.

08/2023:  A Bear Creek Quilting Company "Diagonal Joy Quilt Pattern" Exclusive Sew-Along is available on our Blog!  "Diagonal Joy" is one of the patterns in the book.  The book is required to participate.

Just Two Charm Pack Quilts

Slash Your Stash; Make 16 Throw Quilts

Combine two charm packs to make 16 quilts, with two colorways for every project! Known for her modern geometric designs, Cheryl Brickey gives you projects for slashing your fabric stash.

Bear Creek Quilting Company had the honor of Long Arm Machine Quilting  Cheryl's quilts for her new book!

  • 128 pages
  • Authored by Cheryl Brickey
  • Published by C&T Publishing
  • Copyright 2023