Studio E Fabrics Foliage and Fur Coats Block Panel Brown

Price: $7.99
2 item(s) available.
Item # 7655-33
Foliage and Fur Coats by Beth Reed Designs for Studio E Fabrics

Foliage and Fur Coats
  is full of charming animals ranging from foxes to hedgehogs.  This collection contains stunning warm fall colors.  Squirrels collect acorns around the forest floor.  Mushrooms of various types peak up from under fallen leaves.  Bunnies hop through the woods crunching the dry leaves that lay on the ground.  Fall for Foliage and Fur Coats  this autumnal season!

  • Panel measures approximately 24 inches by 42 inches
    • Each block measures approximately 9 inches by 9 1/2 inches
  • 100% Cotton
  • Manufactured by Studio E Fabrics
  • Price is per panel