Moda Chickadee Landing Twin Blooms Sunflower

Price: $11.99
7.5 item(s) available.
Item # 9742-12

Chickadee Landing by Kansas Troubles Quilters for Moda

After a long, cold Kansas winter, I'm always excited for the first signs of spring.  I wait anxiously for the tulips to poke through the last snow, listen for the chickadee's song, and savor the warm breeze as the world turns green again.  It's a time for renewal and fresh starts.  A vegetable garden sketched on a scrap of paper and a trip to the nursery.  Blowing bubbles and discovering dandelions with the newest little family member.  My Chickadee Landing  collection evokes those memories with a sweet little blooming vine print and coordinating florals and geometrics in colors as fresh as springtime.  ~Lynne

  • 100% Cotton
  • 43"/44" wide
  • Manufactured by Moda
  • Price is per yard